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Maps Node

Manifest permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Maps Node

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            OsmAndroidComposeTheme {
                // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                    color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
                ) {

                    // define camera state
                    val cameraState = rememberCameraState {
                        geoPoint = GeoPoint(-6.3970066, 106.8224316)
                        zoom = 12.0 // optional, default is 5.0

                    // add node
                        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                        cameraState = cameraState


Camera State

Camera state refers to the state that controls the camera projection for maps. It supports the position, zoom level, and animation duration.

val cameraState = rememberCameraState {
    geoPoint = GeoPoint(-6.3970066, 106.8224316)
    zoom = 12.0 // optional, default is 5.0

Map Properties

These are properties that affect the display of maps, such as map orientation, min and max zoom levels, setting multi touch controls and others, see reference

// define properties with remember with default value
var mapProperties by remember {

// setup mapProperties in side effect
SideEffect {
    mapProperties = mapProperties
        .copy(isTilesScaledToDpi = true)
        .copy(tileSources = TileSourceFactory.MAPNIK)
        .copy(isEnableRotationGesture = true)
        .copy(zoomButtonVisibility = ZoomButtonVisibility.NEVER)

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    cameraState = cameraState,
    properties = mapProperties // add properties

Overlay Manager State

Overlay is an additional layer on OSM. With OverlayManagerState, you can obtain an OverlayManager to add other overlays.

val overlayManagerState = rememberOverlayManagerState()

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    cameraState = cameraState,
    overlayManagerState = overlayManagerState, // setup overlay manager state
    onFirstLoadListener = {
        val copyright = CopyrightOverlay(context)
        overlayManagerState.overlayManager.add(copyright) // add another overlay in this listener

If you want to add an overlay, you must do it in the onFirstLoadListener because OverlayManagerState must obtain the MapView instance first before having an OverlayManager.

Others parameters

when the user clicks maps at any location, this listener will display the geopoints
same as onMapClick, but this is for long clicks.
when the map is first loaded
a block that contains nodes from OSM such as markers, polylines and polygons if you want to add them