Bind Values
The Bind Value system is a powerful feature of Compose Remote Layout that enables dynamic content updates without changing your JSON layout definition. This guide explains how to use bind values to create reactive UIs.
Understanding Bind Values
Bind Values allow you to:
- Update text and properties dynamically - Change content based on state, user input, or data
- Create reactive interfaces - Reflect changes immediately when underlying data changes
- Personalize experiences - Show user-specific content without different layout files
- Connect remote layouts to local data - Bridge your JSON layouts with app data
How Bind Values Work
- You create a
instance in your Kotlin code - You set key-value pairs in this instance using
- In your JSON layout, you reference these keys using the
syntax - When the layout renders,
is replaced with the current value
Basic Usage
Step 1: Create a BindsValue Instance
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import com.utsman.composeremote.BindsValue
import com.utsman.composeremote.DynamicLayout
import com.utsman.composeremote.createLayoutComponent
fun DynamicWelcomeScreen(username: String) {
// Create a BindsValue instance
val bindsValue = remember { BindsValue() }
// Set values to be used in the layout
bindsValue.setValue("username", username)
bindsValue.setValue("appName", "My Awesome App")
val layoutJson = """
"column": {
"modifier": {
"base": {
"fillMaxWidth": true,
"padding": {
"all": 16
"children": [
"text": {
"content": "Welcome to {appName}!",
"fontSize": 24,
"fontWeight": "bold"
"text": {
"content": "Hello, {username}",
"fontSize": 18
// Pass the BindsValue to DynamicLayout
val component = createLayoutComponent(layoutJson)
component = component,
bindValue = bindsValue
Step 2: Reference Values in Your JSON
Use the {key}
syntax to reference bound values in your JSON:
Step 3: Update Values Dynamically
Values can be updated at any time, and the UI will reflect the changes:
fun CounterExample() {
// State for the counter
var counter by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
// Create and remember a BindsValue instance
val bindsValue = remember { BindsValue() }
// Update bindsValue whenever counter changes
LaunchedEffect(counter) {
bindsValue.setValue("count", counter.toString())
// You can also set computed values
val textColor = when {
counter > 10 -> "#00AA00" // Green for high values
counter < 0 -> "#AA0000" // Red for negative values
else -> "#000000" // Black for normal values
bindsValue.setValue("countColor", textColor)
Column {
// Display the counter using DynamicLayout
component = createLayoutComponent(
"text": {
"content": "Count: {count}",
"fontSize": 24,
"color": "{countColor}"
bindValue = bindsValue
// Regular Compose UI for buttons
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
) {
Button(onClick = { counter-- }) {
Button(onClick = { counter++ }) {
Advanced Usage
Binding to Different Property Types
You can bind values to various component properties, not just text content:
// Set different types of values
bindsValue.setValue("isVisible", true)
bindsValue.setValue("buttonColor", "#0066CC")
bindsValue.setValue("fontSize", 16)
// JSON with bindings to different properties
val json = """
"column": {
"children": [
"text": {
"content": "This text has {fontSize}sp font size",
"fontSize": {fontSize},
"color": "{textColor}"
"button": {
"content": "Click Me",
"fontColor": "{buttonColor}"
Binding with Custom Components
Bind values work with custom components through the data
// Register a custom chart component
CustomNodes.register("analytics_chart") { param ->
val chartData =["dataset"] ?: "[]"
val showLegend =["showLegend"]?.toBoolean() ?: true
// Parse the data and render chart
val dataset = parseChartData(chartData)
dataset = dataset,
showLegend = showLegend,
modifier = param.modifier
// In your composable
val bindsValue = remember { BindsValue() }
// Update chart data
bindsValue.setValue("chartData", "[10, 24, 15, 32, 18, 27]")
bindsValue.setValue("showLegendOption", "true")
// JSON with custom component
val json = """
"analytics_chart": {
"dataset": "{chartData}",
"showLegend": "{showLegendOption}"
component = createLayoutComponent(json),
bindValue = bindsValue
Combining Multiple BindsValue Instances
You can combine different BindsValue instances using the +
fun ProfileScreen(user: User, theme: AppTheme) {
// Create separate BindsValue instances for different concerns
val userBinds = remember { BindsValue() }
val themeBinds = remember { BindsValue() }
// Update user-related values
LaunchedEffect(user) {
userBinds.setValue("username", user.displayName)
userBinds.setValue("memberSince", user.joinDate.format("MMM yyyy"))
// Update theme-related values
LaunchedEffect(theme) {
themeBinds.setValue("primaryColor", theme.primaryColor)
themeBinds.setValue("textColor", theme.textColor)
themeBinds.setValue("backgroundColor", theme.backgroundColor)
// Combine the BindsValue instances
val combinedBinds = userBinds + themeBinds
// Use the combined binds with the layout
component = createLayoutComponent(profileLayoutJson),
bindValue = combinedBinds
Using CompositionLocal for Hierarchical Binding
The library provides a LocalBindsValue
CompositionLocal for accessing bind values throughout the
composition hierarchy:
fun AppScreen() {
// Create a top-level BindsValue
val appBinds = remember { BindsValue() }
appBinds.setValue("appName", "My App")
appBinds.setValue("version", "1.2.3")
// Provide it to the composition hierarchy
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalBindsValue provides appBinds) {
// Child composables can now access appBinds
fun HomeScreen() {
// Create a screen-level BindsValue
val screenBinds = remember { BindsValue() }
screenBinds.setValue("screenTitle", "Home")
// Get the parent BindsValue from CompositionLocal
val parentBinds = LocalBindsValue.current
// Combine with parent binds
val combinedBinds = screenBinds + parentBinds
// Use the combined binds
component = createLayoutComponent(homeLayoutJson),
bindValue = combinedBinds
Real-World Examples
User Profile Card
fun UserProfileCard(user: User) {
val bindsValue = remember { BindsValue() }
LaunchedEffect(user) {
bindsValue.setValue("name", user.displayName)
bindsValue.setValue("initials", user.getInitials())
bindsValue.setValue("memberType", user.membershipType)
// Set color based on membership type
val memberColor = when (user.membershipType) {
"premium" -> "#FFD700" // Gold
"plus" -> "#C0C0C0" // Silver
else -> "#EEEEEE" // Default
bindsValue.setValue("memberColor", memberColor)
val profileCardJson = """
"card": {
"modifier": {
"base": {
"fillMaxWidth": true,
"padding": {
"all": 16
"children": [
"row": {
"children": [
"box": {
"modifier": {
"base": {
"size": 60,
"background": {
"color": "{memberColor}",
"shape": "circle"
"contentAlignment": "center"
"children": [
"text": {
"content": "{initials}",
"fontSize": 24,
"fontWeight": "bold"
"spacer": {
"width": 16
"column": {
"children": [
"text": {
"content": "{name}",
"fontSize": 18,
"fontWeight": "bold"
"text": {
"content": "{email}",
"fontSize": 14
"text": {
"content": "{memberType} member",
"fontSize": 12,
"fontWeight": "medium",
"color": "{memberColor}"
component = createLayoutComponent(profileCardJson),
bindValue = bindsValue
Real-Time Dashboard
fun MetricsDashboard(viewModel: DashboardViewModel) {
// Collect metrics state from ViewModel
val metrics by viewModel.metricsFlow.collectAsState()
val bindsValue = remember { BindsValue() }
// Update binds when metrics change
LaunchedEffect(metrics) {
// Basic metrics
bindsValue.setValue("activeUsers", metrics.activeUsers.toString())
bindsValue.setValue("newSignups", metrics.newSignups.toString())
bindsValue.setValue("totalRevenue", "$${metrics.revenue}")
// Computed values
val userChange = metrics.userChangePercentage
bindsValue.setValue("userChangePercent", "${userChange.absoluteValue}%")
bindsValue.setValue("userTrend", if (userChange >= 0) "▲" else "▼")
bindsValue.setValue("userTrendColor", if (userChange >= 0) "#00AA00" else "#AA0000")
// Format chart data
bindsValue.setValue("chartData", metrics.weeklyData.joinToString(","))
component = createLayoutComponent(dashboardLayoutJson),
bindValue = bindsValue
Best Practices
1. Use Descriptive Key Names
Choose clear, descriptive keys that indicate their purpose:
// Good
bindsValue.setValue("userFullName", user.fullName)
bindsValue.setValue("orderTotalPrice", "$${order.totalPrice}")
// Avoid
bindsValue.setValue("var1", user.fullName)
bindsValue.setValue("price", "$${order.totalPrice}")
2. Organize Related Values
Group related values using a consistent naming convention:
// User information
bindsValue.setValue("user_memberSince", user.joinDate.format("MMM yyyy"))
// Theme colors
bindsValue.setValue("color_primary", theme.primaryColor)
bindsValue.setValue("color_text", theme.textColor)
bindsValue.setValue("color_background", theme.backgroundColor)
3. Transform Data Before Binding
Process data into display-ready format before binding:
// Format values appropriately before binding
bindsValue.setValue("orderDate","MMM dd, yyyy"))
bindsValue.setValue("price", NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(product.price))
bindsValue.setValue("itemCount", "${cart.items.size} items")
4. Avoid Complex Logic in Templates
Keep the JSON templates focused on presentation, not business logic:
// Do this: Process in Kotlin, then bind the result
val status = when {
order.isDelivered -> "Delivered"
order.isShipped -> "Shipped on ${order.shipDate.format("MMM dd")}"
order.isProcessing -> "Processing"
else -> "Order received"
bindsValue.setValue("orderStatus", status)
bindsValue.setValue("statusColor", getStatusColor(order))
// Instead of trying to handle this in the template with multiple bindings
// This would make the JSON template more complex and brittle
5. Update Efficiently
Only update bind values when the source data actually changes:
// Good: Only update when user changes
LaunchedEffect( {
bindsValue.setValue("username", user.displayName)
// other user properties...
// Avoid: Updating unnecessarily on every recomposition
bindsValue.setValue("username", user.displayName)
6. Provide Fallbacks in JSON
When appropriate, include fallback values in your JSON:
Note: This is a suggested feature not currently in the library. In the current implementation,
missing values stay as {key}
in the output.
Problem: Bind Value Not Updating
Possible causes:
- Value not set in the BindsValue instance
- Key mismatch between setValue and JSON
- BindsValue not passed to DynamicLayout
- Double-check key spelling and case
- Verify that setValue is actually called
- Make sure the same BindsValue instance is passed to DynamicLayout
Problem: Changes Not Reflecting in UI
Possible causes:
- Missing LaunchedEffect dependency
- Using the wrong BindsValue instance
- State changes not triggering recomposition
- Add proper dependencies to LaunchedEffect
- Use remember to maintain BindsValue instance
- Make sure state changes trigger recomposition
Next Steps
Now that you understand how to use bind values, learn about:
- Handling user actions with click events